Message From Chairman


 Dates back to the olden days of caves to the modern high tech society of today, we as a human being are advancing not only every day but every second which passes by. There is always something new happening somewhere in the world. With our ever-expanding understanding of Information systems, from the most fundamental understanding of the systems to the most complex and high tech information systems, scientists are seeking answers to the host of compelling and vital questions, including how to come up with such a system which not only speed up things but also provide security and the possibilities of the misuse is as minimal as possible

The diversity of cutting-edge technology that Information system scientists are tackling will be reflected by the researches our department will conduct.

I invite you to explore our Web site to learn more about the department, including our faculty, our research efforts, our students, and our educational programs leading to the bachelor of Management Information System.

These are indeed exciting times in the Information systems, and the Department of Management Information System continues to forge its leadership position in education, research, and scholarship.

Head of Management Information System
Bilal Lodhi

Last Update
6/14/2011 11:21:05 AM